
G-Qinder freeware analyses DNA sequences on base of semi-orthogonal system described recently [1].

Two variants of G-Qinder beta version 0.1.3 executable files for Windows and MacOS operating systems can be downloaded from the following links: Windows, MacOS

Desktop version for: Windows, MacOS


To use G-Qinder, the command line is used to import the G-Qinder file. The path to the application (file path) is entered, followed by the path to the .FASTA file and the path to the destination folder where the results are to be saved, and then the parameters are input.

"-h" (help) lists all available parameters and their order
"-i" (input) .FASTA file for reading
"-o" (output) destination folder for saving results
"-w" (window) reading window size
"-s/x" (scale/negative includes) G-score value (the minimum value to display, i.e. for example 2 and above, the system will generate a text file with the results. If the parameter "-x" is used instead of "-s", negative scores (C-rich areas) will be taken into account, i.e. 2 and above and at the same time (-2) and below - the system will generate 2 separate text files with the results "-f" (offset) "-a" (angle)

Command line

QINDER path <space> '-h' <ENTER>

For help

QINDER path <space> '-i' <space> .FASTA file path <space> '-o' <space> result folder path <space> '-w' <space> value <space> '-s' or '-x' <space> value <space> '-f' <space> value <space> '-a' <space> value <ENTER>

Results text file(s) generated in chosen folder

More detailed information regarding the source code can be found here: https://github.com/branis97/G-QINDER


  1. Víglaský, Viktor. 2022. "Hidden Information Revealed Using the Orthogonal System of Nucleic Acids" International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23, no. 3: 1804. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms2303180